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Thank you for your interest in advertising in the Horizon magazine. Issues are distributed twice a year, in February and August.
December 15 and June 15 respectively.
*** Horizon advertising discounts are available when you are also an advertising partner on the Samara-Carrillo Info Center website.
*Prices do not include 13% sales tax.
For increased exposure and savings cross-advertise in our sister magazines Peaks Arenal and Peaks Monteverde
Please feel free to contact us at the Horizon magazine with your positive feedback, if you have an interest in providing articles, photographs, artwork or suggestions on how to improve our product.
Office phone: 2656-2424
Our email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
WhatsApp/Cell: 8304-5258
All businesses listed are advertising paid content. The Horizon magazine and associated entities are not responsible for their actions.